Проповедь в собрании христиан, в городе Иерусалим, Израиль 🕊️


  1. There is no greater need today than to support Israel with our daily prayers. Israel is under attack and is threatened with total annihilation. But we believe in the power of prayer!
    “God, I ask You today to make me a witness for the defense of Zion. Let me know not rest or hold my peace. Keep strong within my heart a love for Jerusalem and Your Chosen People. Let me be part of their deliverance.”
    For Zion’s sake will I not hold my peace, and for Jerusalem’s sake I will not rest, until the righteousness thereof go forth as brightness, and the salvation thereof as a lamp that burns. Isaiah 62:1
    Join with us and millions of others around the world in prayer for Israel
    Jerusalem Prayer Team

    We the Christians #StandWithIsrael We stand with the sons & daughters of #God on the sacred land of #Israel & it's eternal capital #Jerusalem!
    הארכיבישוף סרג עגור

  2. Блажен человек, которого сила в Тебе и у которого в сердце стези направлены к Тебе!


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